PowerLok G1 is a low cost, compact, metal-shell interconnect solution utilizing RADSOK contact technology for EV and Hybrid transportation applications. Up to 1000V ranging from 5A-500A (Continuous @ 80°C) with HVIL, 360° shielding, environmental sealing, keying, straight and right-angle configurations, and up to 4 power circuits. Accommodates cable sizes from 2.5mm2 to 150mm2 with and without shielding. Available as assembled and overmolded versions. PowerLok series connectors are engineered for diverse applications given its wide power range coverage, including electric powertrains, batteries, PDU’s and motors of automotive, trucks, bus, agricultural and construction machines, off-road vehicles and energy storage.
- 100 Min
- 25A-500A Nominal (refer to derating curve)
- 1000VDC
- IP67, IP6K9K (NEW for 300 Series, 200 and 500 series avail. NOW)
- IP2X mated
- 500MΩ min
- IP67 (mated), IP2X (unmated)
- 48h (contact for custom options up to 500/1000 hours)
- -40℃ to +125℃